Setting Up STinG 1.26 and CAB 1.5 on a 1 mb 1040 STf ____________________ by Tony Cianfaglione In our user group, we have many members who are still using a plain 'vanilla' 1 mb (non-expandable) 1040 STf. These members would like to be able to access the Internet, even if it is text-only, as most ISPs today only offer PPP access. Locally, we are also fortunate to have one ISP offering Lynx text dialup so that members currently access the Internet using a terminal program such as Flash or Teddy Term. For those who wish to use the TCP/IP package, STinG v1.26 by Peter Rottengarter and Ronald Andersson and CAB (Crystal Atari Browser) v1.5, this info sheet is for you. I have tested this setup on several 1040's and a Mega2 and it works very well. I have not tried CAB v2.7 because there is so much to that program that it would be difficult to fit onto a 720k disk. Both STinG 1.26 and CAB 1.5 in this document are run from 720k disks and are fully optimized (thanks to many helpful suggestions from Ronald Andersson). ----------------------- STEP 1: (Setting up STinG 1.26) My final configuration files are included at the end of this document so that you can compare them to what you have in the event you can't get it to work just right. I started out by formatting 2 - 720k double sided, double density disks; one for STinG, the other for CAB. You can download STinG 1.26 directly from Ronald's homepage (at or from our mirror site: Make sure you also download at least the 2 extra STX modules (TCP140 and Serial121 as they have been updated for STinG 1.26. On the STinG disk, I created several directories: AUTO\ CPX\ STING\ I placed the following files in the auto directory in the following order so that they would load in that particular order: DRVIN.PRG, MFP.PRG, STING.INF, STING.PRG DRVIN.PRG and MFP.PRG are from the file: HSMODA07.LZH and STING.INF and STING.PRG are from the STinG zipfile. Unzipping STinG 1.26 creates the various files you need in their various sub-directories. You should get the file called XCONTROL.ACC (version 1.31 is available from: and put it in your root directory as it is essential to load the CPX's and it will also create your drop down Control Panel menu. Once STinG is unzipped and all files are set up properly, your disk directory should look like this: A:\CONTROL.INF A:\XCONTROL.ACC A:\AUTO\DRVIN.PRG A:\AUTO\MFP.PRG A:\AUTO\STING.INF A:\AUTO\STING.PRG A:\CPX\SERIAL.CPX A:\CPX\STING.CPX A:\CPX\STING.PRT A:\CPX\STNGPORT.CPX A:\CPX\STNGPROT.CPX A:\STING\CACHE.DNS A:\STING\STING.HYP A:\STING\DEFAULT.CFG A:\STING\ROUTE.TAB A:\STING\TCP.STX A:\STING\UDP.STX A:\STING\SERIAL.STX A:\STING\RESOLVE.STX A:\STING\DIALER\DIALER.APP A:\STING\DIALER\DIAL.RSC A:\STING\DIALER\DIAL.INF A:\STING\DIALER\ICON.RSC A:\STING\DIALER\DIAL.SCR A:\STING\DIALER\LOCAL.FEE A:\STING\DIALER\LOGIN.BAT A:\STING\DIALER\DIAL.LOG A:\STING\DIALER\IP.INF A:\STING\DIALER\CALL_IT\CALL_IT.PC A:\STING\DIALER\CALL_IT\CALL_IT.PRG A:\STING\DIALER\REM_CTRL\REMCTRL.H A:\STING\DIALER\REM_CTRL\FAKE.PRG A:\STING\DIALER\REM_CTRL\REQUEST.PRG A:\STING\DIALER\DEV_KIT\LOGSTRING A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\PING.PRG A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\PING.RSC A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\TRACROUT.PRG A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\TRACROUT.RSC A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\SAVE_IP.TTP A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\SYSINFO.TTP A:\STING\DIALER\TOOLS\SHUTDOWN.PRG You will notice that there are some programs missing. Not all of the programs included in the STinG 1.26 archive are necessary and can be deleted to save precious RAM and disk space. Make sure that data in any of the INF files (which are used to supply information to the program files) are all in uppercase (CAPITAL) letters as STinG looks for the uppercase letters. Also ensure that RESOLVE.STX is loaded last. ---------------------- STEP 2: (Setting up CAB 1.5) The CAB disk directory should look like this: A:\CAB\CAB.APP A:\CAB\CAB.INF A:\CAB\CAB.OVL A:\CAB\CAB.RSC A:\CAB\CABOVL.CFG A:\CAB\START.HTM A:\CAB\HOTLIST.HTM A:\CAB\MODULES\CAB_JPEG.OVL A:\CAB\CACHE\NEWCACHE A:\CAB\CACHE\CACHE.CAB A:\CAB\CACHE\ subdirectories A through Z (needed for caching files) You should have 293,406 bytes space remaining on the disk. Start CAB.APP *without* having the CAB.OVL present in the same folder. That saves some RAM, and ensures that no attempt is made to contact STinG, which was not booted this time around. With some luck this should allow CAB to start up properly, though naturally only with offline capability. Next go through the display settings and turn off all image displays, and set the RAM cache to some really low value (Try 0, it works here). That cache won't really be needed anyway for most text pages, and you can't get reliable graphics display without more RAM. Save these new settings, and just to make sure, restart CAB to check that it is not allergic to the settings saved (which has happened on some occasions). Next, delete any STX files that you don't need, as they will only steal RAM, and that may be more than just program size, if they need buffers. The STXs you will not need are ETHER.STX and MASQUE.STX Since you will not be using multitasked STinG clients or servers either, you can also try setting the ALLOCMEM value in DEFAULT.CFG to a lower value, such as 50000 or 60000. Now reboot with the necessary STING.PRG, and XCONTROL, and the other stuff you want, but still avoiding wasteful RAM usage. Don't use the latest version NVDI or THING desktop as they are ram wasters. ----------------------- STEP 3: (Configuring the RAM and disk settings) Ensure that you are using the 68000 version of CAB.OVL as I made the early mistake of copying my Falcon install over, including the 68030 version which caused it to crash with 3 bombs. Using the correct version fixed that problem. The 68030 version is 288970 bytes. The 68000 version is 290040 bytes. All other files in the CAB 1.5 package are shared, so it is only the program file that needs to be changed if you have the wrong one. There are also '030 versions of some of the CAB.OVL releases. These may also bomb when loaded by CAB on a 68000 machine. It's recommended you test without any CAB.OVL present with CAB, either in the same folder, or in the 'MODULES' subfolder. Do this to make sure that CAB itself will run properly, then install various CAB.OVL versions until you find one that works. Set RAM CACHE to 0, left images on as a trial. CAB 1.5 connected and images worked fine for first 3 pages then lockup. Using graphics enabled, you need to flush your disk cache every 5 pages on average; with graphics disabled, it would be every 15 - 20 pages unless they are massively sized pages. Using an SM124 or 125 monochrome monitor, I am able to enable images although they are monochrome. Using an SC1224 colour monitor, I cannot enable monochrome or colour mode for some reason but the text version works well. With or without images, just being able to surf the 'Net using a 1040 STf (1 mb) machine is quite encouraging. Please note that the DIAL.LOG file in the STING\DIALER directory will grow with each login (successful or unsuccessful) and must be edited occasionally to remove the stored lines otherwise it will eat up valuable disk space. ------------------------------------------------------ The following configuration files are supplied to help in your setup: CONTROL.INF: A:\CPX\*.CPX 0 5 1 ---------------------------------------- STING.INF: A:\STING\ --------------------------------------- DIAL.INF: A:\STING\DIALER\ --------------------------------------- LOGIN.BAT: A:\STING\TOOLS\SAVE_IP.TTP A:\STING\DIALER\IP.INF Modem 1 ---------------------------------------- START.HTM: (this is just a small html file I created to give CAB 1.5 something to look for as it will not seek an online page upon startup and will crash if you don't supply it with a start page. The one included in the CAB zipfile is quite large and takes a lot of RAM and disk space so I am including my small start page here.)

Welcome To STinG 1.26
& CAB 1.5

Use the hotlist or enter a URL for Internet startup.
---------------------------------------- DEFAULT.CFG: (the MSS may differ with your ISP. The one supplied works with mine. You can check with your ISP for their settings). # # This is the STinG relevant stuff. # ALLOCMEM = 50000 # THREADING = 50 FRAG_TTL = 60 # ICMP_GMT = -60 ICMP_AD = 10 ICMP_FLAG = 0 # TCP_PORT = 1024 MSS = 956 RCV_WND = 3824 DEF_RTT = 500 DEF_TTL = 128 TCP_ICMP = 1 # UDP_PORT = 1024 UDP_ICMP = 1 # USERNAME = HOSTNAME = FULLNAME = # NAMESERVER = DOMAIN = DNS_CACHE = 64 DNS_SAVE = TRUE # PAP_ID = PAP_PASSWD = # # Here starts the client relevant stuff. # # Used by the Dialer : # DIALER = LOGIN_BATCH = A:\STING\DIALER\LOGIN.BAT # ---------------------------------------- DIAL.SCR: (the MTU may differ with your ISP. The one supplied works with mine. You can check with your ISP for their settings.) # # # General Parameters # SERIALPORT = Modem 1 DEF_ROUTE = TRUE MASQUERADE = FALSE EXEC_BATCH = TRUE CIX_LOGIN = FALSE RESIDENT = FALSE DEBUGGING = FALSE # # # Port Parameters # CLIENT_IP = MTU = 1006 PAP_ID = username (if applicable) PAP_PASSWORD = password (if applicable) PAP_PROMPT = FALSE PROTOCOL = 1 VJHC = TRUE LAN_PORT = FALSE # # # Addressing # USERNAME = username (fill in yours) FULLNAME = full name (fill in yours) HOSTNAME = hostname (fill in yours) NAMESERVER = your IP DNS number here (ie... FETCH_DNS = FALSE # # # Modem Specifics # INIT = ATZ PREFIX = ATDT HANGUP = +++,ATH CONNECT_WAIT = 60 REDIAL_DELAY = 0 SUCCESS = CONNECT FAILURE = BUSY FAILURE = NO CARRIER ABORT = NO DIALTONE # # # Telephone # PHONE_NUMBER = put your ISP phone # here FEE_FILE = LOCAL.FEE ISP_TIME = 0, 0.00 ISP_SENT = 0, 0.00 ISP_RECVD = 0, 0.00 # # # Network Environment # # # # Dial Script # FIND_TIMEOUT = 30 # DIAL_SCRIPT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT URLs: Ronald Andersson: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ICQ:38857203 ASH homepage: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Atari ST Quick FAQ: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ===============================================================================