Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
September 13, 2007 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2007
- Bob Adams
- Ed Dyer
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Jim MacLennan
- Bill Matheson
- Kent Murray
- Alan Turner
- Andrew D. Wright
- John McKay
- Matthew Newton
- Mary Rigby
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Meeting was called to order at 6.35 pm.
Minutes of the meeting held July 12, 2007 were approved as circulated,
moved by Alan, seconded by Jim. (There was no quorum at the
August meeting).
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Financial report made by Alan. Report was circulated. Both revenue
and expenses year to date continue to run about $6000 behind 2006.
Only item worth noting was that the payment to Eastlink was for June,
not July, i.e. our biggest bill after payroll was running one month in
arrears. Acceptence moved by Alan, seconded by Kent.
Technical Report
Technical report made by Ed. The whole of Dalhousie will suffer a
power outage from 11 pm Saturday evening to an estimated 7 am
Sunday. Do we need a generator? Incoming mail should be queued
by sending server. Most of our systems should auto-start when power
is restored. It was agreed that the notice on our home page should be
sufficient since that time experiences little use. We will not install a
Everything else is moving as it should with the exception of wifi, which
is very behind. More software development is needed. Johnathan has
tested the free service and it is working - almost. Spencer House is
completely set up and in the 2 node houses the antennas are up but
the hardware will not be plugged in until the service is available. We
have had 50 - 100 offers to be node hosts and we are probably going
to be able to string 5 - 10 nodes in the initial phase (we are hoping to
service 5 Chebucto Plus users or so per node). We are expecting to be
technically ready
next week, provided Johnathan meets no more unexpected problems.
Bernie interjected a note of thanks to Ed, Andrew (particularly) and
Johnathan for the exceptional amount of hard work they have put in
on the installation.
Once we are ready Bernie and Jim, brochures in hand, will canvass
the starting area on foot.
In response to a question, Andrew confirmed that we will still require
a paper application for someone to become a new member.
Funding application
Bernie showed the extensive application he
had submitted to HRSDC with the help of the Executive committee.
He had some reservations as to whether we would be successful
as the purpose of the funding emphasised social benefit, and what
we are doing might not be interpreted as such. He had done his
best to slant everything in that direction. We had letters of support
from 3 other community nets, and Dartmouth Work Activity Group.
Bernie gave each Board member a sheet on "steps in developing
NEIGHBOUR TO NEIGHBOUR wireless service" and one on
the budget template and asked everyone to read, give it thought,
and email any ideas on improvement.
Resource Recovery Fund Board
Bill gave a report on the progress to
date. The intention is to recycle all electronics and a proposal
recommending a fee paid at the time of purchase was submitted
to the Minister in August. No response has yet been received, but
it is expected to be accepted.
Office renewal
With all the extra work in getting wifi up and
running there has been no time to sort out all the old records and
files to be sent to the shredder.
Though this has been cut by the Herald Andrew will continue to prepare the
column for the website. Ed felt that an external commitment would provide
the necessary urgency to meet the deadline and avoid the possibility of
the preparation being put off in favour of something "more important". It
was agreed to explore if the Daily News was interested. Marilyn will sound
out Steve Kimber.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for October 11.
Meeting adjourned 7:35 pm.