Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
October 9, 2008 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2008
- Richard Connolly
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Jim MacLennan
- Bill Matheson
- Kent Murray
- Mary Rigby
- Max Russell
- Johnathan Thibodeau
- Joe Thomas
- Alan Turner
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of last meeting
The meeting was called to order immediately following an
in camera session of the Board which began at 6:00 pm. Andrew and
Johnathan were excused from the in camera session.
Minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated by email and
corrections noted inserted. Motion to approve accepted.
Report from in camera session
Bernie summarized decisions from the in camera session:
- Andrew will be paid his outstanding wages by 31 December.
The funds to do this will be derived from the GIC now held at Atlantic
Credit Union. As the GIC matures in March Alan will negotiate breaking
the GIC just prior to the end of December. Andrew's wages and related
costs will take approximately $10500 of the $14100 realized from the GIC..
- The fee for Chebucto Plus members will be be raised to $125 per year
as of 1 November 2008. All present Chebucto Plus-level account fees will
be increased by $25.
- Chebucto will go ahead with Richard Connolly's proposal regarding
sales promotion through corner stores. Participating stores will be given
information about CCN, if clients are interested they will be given a
"business promotion card" from the store which they present when they
become members. Under the proposed terms the owner of the promoting store
will receive $15 from CCN and the person who becomes a new member through
this route will get be given a discount of $5 on the initial year's fee.
- Chebucto will move ahead on Max's suggestion of sending a fund
raising letter letter to local businesses. At noon next Wednesday, Bernie,
Max, Alan and Mary will meet and pick about 40 names from a list of 1400
metro businesses.
- An office cleanup party will meet at the Chase Building at 10:00 am
Saturday 18 October. This initial session will focus on identifying
computer components that can be eliminated and those that can stored out
of the office area and assessing what the documents (paper) storage
protocol should be.
- Expansion of the wifi system is on hold until stability of Fenwick
Place and the two nodes, Spencer House and the private home in the Morris
Street area, is affirmed. Further action on this front will probably
depend on a positive response regarding the grant application which will
be awarded by the end of October.
- Andrew will be asked to provide a list showing the numbers of users
in each fee category, the number of IPs and any other revenue generating
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan reviewed September's financial statement. September's expenditures,
which included three pay periods were $10505 while the revenue raised
was $5925. The year to date expenditures are $71637, the year to date
revenues are $69128. In 2007 these latter figures stood at $83454 and
$81867 respectively.
Technical Report
Johnathan presented the technical report. The cable on the roof of Fenwick
Place had been damaged by the elements and the connection just barely
holding together. This has been repaired and the system is fully
Bloomfield Centre does not seem to be a feasible location for a wifi
Other Business
Letter to members regarding fee increase - Bernie will draft a letter
regarding the fee increase and forward it to Board members with the hope
that the final format can be settled upon so Andrew can send out an office
email early next week.
Money for fund raising - Proposed that $100 be provided to cover the cost
of the fund raising letters and the development of information for corner
stores. Moved by Alan, seconded by Kent.
Next Meeting
The next scheduled Board Meeting will be Thursday 13 November, 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.