Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
August 18, 2010 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2010
- Mary Ansell
- Deborah Dostal
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Kent Murray
- Johnathan Thibodeau
- Alan Turner
- Jeff Warnica
- Andrew D. Wright
Minutes of last meeting
Bernie moved approval of minutes of June 2010 meeting and
Marilyn seconded; carried
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan reported that the memberships were down but the HST rebate was
received in this period so that income exceeded expenses. Alan moved
tabling of his report.
There were no questions.
Technical Report
Johnathan reported that the cable has been installed in Gerard Hall and
the network port has been lined up. The final installation will take place
on Friday and the coverage will be tested. Afterward, they will proceed to
set up in Joseph Howe Manor. They will have to get a key to Gerard Hall.
A message will be sent to Terry about the status of the installation
since he had offered to try to speed things along.
On Tuesday, there was a fire on the roof of the Life Sciences Centre and
water was funnelled down to the basement of the Chase Building. The power
was shut off for about 12 hours.
Progress on Gerard Hall
An antenna will be installed on Gerard Hall on Friday, then the equipment
will be set up in Joseph Howe Manor. Jeff requested that Andrew and
Johnathan be more specific in telling the Board what needs to be done.
Metro Housing has been contacted with regard to the installation at Joseph
Howe Manor. Gerard Hall wireless will be covering a two block radius.
Approach to the CRTC
Bernie handed out a draft of the request to CRTC, the Canadian
Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. The approach will be
to emphasize CCN's track record as the only organization making Internet
services available to those who cannot afford a commercial service. We
will also note that we are pushing government services such as job search.
We are asking to access to Eastlink or Aliant services that we can sell at
a lower rate. We need to accentuate the point that we are not in
competition with them. We will be offering bare bones services without the
help lines and bundling that the big networks offer. Andrew will do up a
letter on what services we will offer and how we will deliver them. If we
don't get their support, at least they will be aware of us. A discussion
ensued about whether there would be negative consequences from initiating
such actions. The recommended deadline is the end of September. The
contact at CRTC is Elizabeth Duncan. Michael Marshall of the Green Party
might like to be involved.
Bernie will need everyone's input to fill in the holes in the document.
Other business
There was no other business.
Kent moved adjournment at 7:20 p.m.
Next Meeting: September 15, 6:30 p.m.